Are you concerned that a family member or friend is experiencing symptoms of dementia?

Did you know funding for support may be available through Australia’s NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme), if their dementia is considered a disability because it’s having a significant impact on their daily life?

At LifeLift, we offer a number of streams of support for NDIS participants living with dementia, including:

  • Compassionate psychology services
  • Occupational therapy &
  • Positive behaviour support.

Our therapists are mobile and visit you at home or in the community.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is commonly thought of as one specific disease, however it’s actually an overall term for symptoms that severely impact thinking (or cognitive) abilities, language, problem solving and, of course, memory.

In essence, dementia involves brain changes that aren’t normal and can affect a person’s daily living, behaviours, relationships and emotions. Alzheimer’s disease is a very common underlying cause of dementia.

Early dementia-related behaviours of concern may include:

  • Forgetfulness/reduced concentration that impacts daily living
  • Personality changes
  • Feeling confused about where you are or how to get to familiar locations
  • Language problems that affect communication
  • Rapid mood changes or feeling anxious, agitated or depressed
  • Struggling to perform well-known tasks, like cooking, driving etc
  • Not wanting to engage in previously enjoyed activities

Early diagnosis of dementia is helpful in preventing further decline and provides crucial early support for this difficult condition.

Dementia & Perth NDIS Occupational Therapy

Dementia can be scary for those living with it, and for those caring for or connecting with someone experiencing it. Ensuring NDIS participants with dementia have access to excellent occupational therapy support is important to help them better manage their experience.

LifeLift’s caring NDIS registered occupational therapists (OTs) are dementia care experts and work with both NDIS participants and their family, friends and carers.

Ways our Perth and Bunbury-based OTs can support dementia patients:

  • Completing functional capacity assessments & reports
  • Providing strategies & aids to manage memory
  • Assisting with techniques for aiding self care activities & jobs
  • Prescribe supportive equipment to help with independent living skills
  • Undertaking cognitive assessments
  • Educating carers & family
  • Assessing the need for home modifications

Occupational therapy can be useful for people in all stages of dementia.

NDIS Dementia Psychology Support Perth

Seeking out psychological support for people living with dementia is powerful as it can make a significant positive difference to their days.

Psychologists can help those with dementia to better manage their symptoms, and this can reduce the impact on a person’s family, friends or carers. They can also consider what other issues may be contributing to a person’s symptoms, such as a lack of sleep, mental health issues or nutrition.

Key ways psychological care can support NDIS dementia patients:

  • Utilising CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to help with coping skills & address symptoms
  • Provide cognitive and memory training & the use of memory tools
  • Assist with communication between NDIS participants & their loved ones
  • Help with implementing support services
  • Provide strategies to manage emotions linked to dementia ie. sadness, anxiety, anger
  • Through developing treatment plans, which may include medication

NDIS Perth Positive Behaviour Support for Dementia

Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is a non-pharmacological intervention that helps NDIS participants and their loved ones manage the changed behaviours that arise from dementia. These behaviours may include aggression, inappropriate social interaction, irritability and more.

PBS supports family members and carers to feel more confident about how to approach challenging dementia-related behaviours. This can decrease the negative impacts of these behaviours.

At LifeLift, our PBS program makes a positive difference to the lives of NDIS participants with dementia, supporting their relationships and connections at home and in the community.

LifeLift NDIS Perth Dementia FAQs

Q. Can my loved one with dementia get NDIS support in Perth?

A. You can find out more about NDIS funding for dementia here and if you need further advice, please contact us today. We offer support in Perth and Bunbury and surrounds.

Q. What is the NDIS rate for OT dementia services?

A. As occupational therapy rates for dementia can vary under the NDIS, reach out to our friendly team for details of OT rates and fees.

Q. What dementia support does my family member need?

A. LifeLift’s dementia care experts can guide you to decide what interventions and therapies will best help your loved one reach their NDIS goals. Please contact us for details.
